
Design is a process of being in search of the best balance between beautifulness and function, trying to make things that is timeless, challenging in every detailed design, also respecting the history and nature of spaces. We believe that old things can only made by time rather than human hands, and unfolding the possibility of every character of spaces and sites is one of an important aim during the design process.

About Tung, Chih Yin (童寘茵/ドウチイイン) Japan licensed architect (日本建築士); JLPT N1(日本語能力試験N1級)
Tokyo based. Trained as an interior designer and architect, Tung has been working on interior design projects such as residences, cafe, shops and renovation projects in Japan and China.

Before starting personal studio, has been working at Puddle Inc. in charge of residential projects, renovation projects of shops. Prior to that, NODE Co., Ltd (Nomura Kougei 乃村工藝社) participating in interior design projects of shops and shopping malls. Tung also has the experience of working in a renovation & construction firm and product design company.

Tung was born in Taipei, Taiwan, growing with Mandarin(Chinese) and Taiwanese speaking environment as her mother tongues. English and Japanese are her second languages which reach business level. Having one year experience studying abroad in University of Oregon, USA as a scholarship student.

She likes and starts painting when she was little, and later qualified to get into public art school in Taiwan from 8 to 18 years old, which establish her skills and sense of art. Currently she is more focusing on interior design, perspective drawing, graphic design and chalk-style art.

About Multi Qube
Multi Qube can mean multiple spaces. I regard Qube as a space. It can also mean multiple design skills to provide professional full services.

Multi Qube was named after my first personal project – Multi Cube, designed/made in 2013, as a hope of not forgetting my original intention why I started doing design.

I would like to do total design rather than just focus on space design only since I believe a nice space design should be integrated with any other related design aspect such as logo, graphic design, furniture, product, signage etc. that related to the space. They should be with the same tone and language.

If you are requiring any support such as design / drawings / site support / site management,
please feel free to contact Tung directly:
English / 日本語 / 中文 / 台語 are available.

We are looking forward to work with different people worldwide on any projects.
If you require any further information, please feel free to contact:
English / 日本語 / 中文 / 台語 are available.

We are providing translation service specialized in design and architecture field(Japan日本語 ⇄Chinese中文)
For finding translators, please contact: